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Grenouille is an online service for weather data. Grenouille is written in Python.
All data can be obtained in JSON and displayed on a map. The Web application is based on Flask and uses PostgreSQL.
It can be deployed on Heroku. An example of a client for the Yocto-Meteo sensor is provided (inspired from this code).

The project is divided in two parts:

  • the web service: a Flask application using PostgreSQL with an open API;
  • a proof of concept station: a watcher running on a Raspberry Pi with a Yoctopuce sensor. Of course you can implement your own client with the API documentation.

<html> <script type=“text/javascript” src=“”></script> </html>


projects/grenouille.1406115726.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/23 13:42 by cedric