2016-08-17 55 2016-08-16 56 2016-08-15 55 2016-08-14 55 2016-08-13 54 2016-08-12 54 2016-08-11 53 2016-08-10 55
2011-11-20 150 3 2011-11-27 200 4 2011-12-04 300 6 2011-12-18 400 8 2011-12-29 650 8 2012-01-08 650 13 2012-01-15 800 16
set terminal png size 1200,800 set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d" set output "evolution-piscine.png" set xrange ["2011-11-20":"2012-01-15"] set yrange [150:1000] set autoscale y set ytics 50 set grid set xlabel "Date" set ylabel "Distance (mètres)" set title "Evolution piscine" set key left box plot "evolution-piscine.txt" using 1:2 index 0 title "Distance en mètres" with lines #plot "evolution-piscine.txt" using 1:3 index 0 title "Longueurs" with lines